I for some reason really like reading Renee's Blog and find it very insightful.
I know what you are you talking about and never though about looking at our Thesis or journey at Full Sail like a play. We first began this journey I would have never thought that this would go so fast. This thesis was like a thorn in my side and it is just like learning your lines. You are so tired at the start but you push yourself so that you the ending pays off. I am now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I am just like you kind of said that it is all going to be over in just a flash. I guess once we have our last curtain call we will see that big picture but always remain friends.
Renee's Blog:
Week 3 ~ Thesis Journey
Friday, July 24, 2009
Thesis writing is so similar to acting. It is a process, that can seem painstakingly slow at times, just as learning lines or songs are in a musical. The results are oh so rewarding, though. My students this summer learned lines and songs to a mini-musical and gave a performance in eight days. If middle schoolers can do that, I can certainly write this thesis.
As I have been working on it, I have been getting more and more excited about the process and progress. And --WOW--that comes almost right out of my thesis. I am so excited to implement portions of my work this fall when school starts. I am starting to get that rejuvenated feeling. You know it--the feeling you get when you know that you are truly excited to see your students again and that you are ok with the fact that summer break is coming to an end.
Our journey is winding down and I can truly say that I am sorry to see it end.
Week 3 Thesis Journey. Reene Hanson. Retrieved July 24, 2009 from
Photo taken by me hanging with new and old friends
great sharing and encouraging.