I have been sitting here at home worried about my Thesis. It seems like it is this big scary monster that is going to take over my life. Well, it will be taking over my life to the end of the program. I am excited about all of the research that I have found that goes along with my Thesis. I am so happy for Goggle Alerts because if it was not for them I would be up on the computer till the wee hours searching for papers, podcast, etc. I haven't even stated what my Thesis is over well it deals with "What Virtual Science Lab is the Best for Low-Income Schools. Yes, it is a big topic but I believe that the media project will take much longer than the paper. I have already made my contacts for that and can't wait to jump on board and get everything done. I have been looking into Second Life because I want to build a Science Lab for my media project. I hope that my district will take this and it will help the kids learn with Technology.
Photo taken by me of my students doing what I am doing everyday, writing and getting help.
That is definitely one of the challenges of working on a graduate degree, managing the demands of the program while trying to keep the rest of your life going. The cool part is discovering how much we really can do when we put our minds to it.