I have been working so hard on the thesis I forgot to blog about my progress. I am really excited about what I have come up with and the help from Dr. Bedard. I thought that I was done with all of my research till she had mention another problem to me that have in paper. That meant more research but the problem is something that people are dealing with everyday at schools. Why are schools blocking everything on the internet that can be beneficial to the learning process. I really excited about this and ready to add this to my already long title of a thesis. I think that if I can help with the problem in my district then I can achieve a lot. There are many things that people need to sit back and think about when they block websites. Its funny to me that I have been researching virtual science labs but had to look at them when I got home because my school would block those sites. I didn't think that was a porn site or anything bad for a kid to look at. We want out students to be creative and express themselves or they will just act up in class. I know this will call for more research but I am so excited to do this if it can help at least one district.
Photo taken by me - I am with my students and gave them my laptop and told them to express themselves
So, when I taught in an elementary school lab I taught my students that going on the Internet is just like going on a virtual fieldtrip and so, just like a real fieldtrip, they are expect to stay with the class and not wander off. If they accidentally "wander off" then they need to learn from the error, but if they consistently "wander off" than they lose their rights to participate. it's too bad that admin and government are taking the attitude that it's all bad out there and so no more real or virtual fieldtrips.